what wrote harry porter?
提问人:Peter Xian 回答:7 浏览:1397 提问时间:2010/1/25 9:39:25 到期时间:2010/1/30 9:39:25 悬赏分:10+5+20
an English woman
J.K.罗琳 Joanne Kathleen Rowling
回答者:周小杰 2010/1/25 11:58:49
J.K 罗琳
回答者:冯溪阳 2010/1/25 18:34:28
Joanne Kathleen Rowling,an English woman who wrote the books "Harry Porter". She born in 7.31 1966, form Wenterberg County.
回答者:尤文逸 2010/1/25 20:00:51
JK 罗林
回答者:王镜 2010/1/25 22:55:02
your question is a wrong one!
回答者:石华 2010/1/26 20:26:08
i agree with them
回答者:李强 2010/1/28 3:25:30
应该是Who wrote Harry Porter吧
回答者:清 2010/1/28 17:07:30