rolling for rotations of rigid bodies
提问人:takung55 回答:3 浏览:1525 提问时间:2011/10/19 12:39:01 到期时间:2011/10/24 12:39:01 悬赏分:10+5+20
A hollow cylinder moves down an inclined plane of length l and angleθ. The cylinder has uniform density, mass M, and radius R. It is initially at rest at the top of the plane. Calculate and compare the times taken to reach the bottom if the cylinder rolls without slipping as opposed to the case in which the cylinder slips all the way down the plane without rolling. In the latter case, the coefficient of the friction must be zero.
一个空心圆柱在一长度为 L和angleθ的斜面上向下移动。此圆柱体密度均匀,质量为 M,半径 R。它最初在平面的顶部是静止的。计算和比较,当圆柱体滚动下来到达平面的底部且不会滑动情况,和圆柱体滑动下来到达平面的底部且不会滚动情况。在后一种情况下,摩擦系数必须为零。
回答者:cccvvvbbbvvv 2011/10/19 15:50:21
回答者:sifuzhuanyong 2011/10/19 17:14:56
回答者:ldlikui 2011/10/21 10:34:46